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Akashic Records Transformation

Transformation through Insights & Higher Guidance
Healing & Clearing Across all Lifetimes

2-Hour Private Session with Oribel
+ 30 mins. Follow-up On-line Consultation
In-person in Singapore or On-line Zoom
Fee: S$280

  1. Uncover the blocks in my Relationships - between spouses, siblings, parent-child, friends, office colleagues etc.

  2. Release blockages and traumas from my Past that has great impact on my current life

  3. Reclaim my gifts, talents, and abilities

  4. Lifetimes when I've had tremendous Soul growth.

  5. Lifetimes when I fulfilled my life mission.

  6. A crystal clear vision of how to use my gifts for empowerment.

  7. What is my Soul's higher purpose and why I am here in this lifetime.

  8. What are my self-sabotaging patterns and how can I release them?

  9. What are my limiting beliefs, where did they originate from, and how can I heal and transform them

  10. What are my success karmic blocks and how can I get rid of them?

  11. What is my Soul's plan for me to fulfil in this lifetime?  This is your Divine life purpose.

  12. What active life lesson(s) have I yet to learn presently?

  13. How can I successfully complete my Soul contract with my spouse?

  14. What line of business will bring me the most fulfilment?

  15. What fears, traumas or challenges am I carrying in from a past life?


If you wish to deep dive into you passions and divine life mission, pls. consider the service "Fulfilling Your Sacred Mission".


There are so many other questions that you can ask when you're in the Great Hall of Akasha.  The information being revealed to you by your Akashic Record and the guidance from your Angels, Guides and Higher Self will shift you into a new awareness and way of being.  You will leave with an expanded understanding of your Self and the current challenges you are facing.  And how to best overcome those challenges.


If you have specific questions issues or challenges you want to address, your Akashic Team will reveal these to you so you may gain insights and guidance.  And how to best overcome those challenges. This will help you make better informed choices in your life.

  • this is not an Akashic reading session

  • there is NO hypnosis involved

  • you are conscious throughout the entire session and may take notes during your session .


  • you are fairly intuitive and you can easily imagine or visualise


You will personally experience your own past lives and with expert guidance from Oribel you will receive the answers to your questions directly from your Akashic Team.  Your Akashic Team comprise of your Akashic Record Keeper, your Angels, Spirit Guides, and your Higher Self.


You will also have the option to clear your energetic blocks when you access your own Akashic Records.  This private session is a full sensory experience and is life transforming.


Because we don't know what we don't know, it is recommended that we allow for our own Akashic Team to show us what is most important for you to know at this time of your journey.


An MP3 file for your Zoom session.  The file contains only relevant details of your Past Life(s) and Q&A with your Akashic Team.  Pls. allow for 48 hours post session.



1 - The free 30-min. follow-up session must be utilised within 3 to 4 weeks after your appointment.  

2  -  Your Akashic Team does not give medical advice or make predictions.


  • For clients in Singapore - all payment modes PayNow and PayLah. 

  • For clients outside Singapore - all payments using PayPal.  Pls. include the PayPal fee of S$18.  A PayPal payment request will be sent to your email address.

  • All payments are made in SGD only.

  • Payment must be made at point of receiving the confirmed appointment date in order to secure it


Upon receipt of your appointment form, payment, and the mutually agreed date and time confirmed you will receive via email the Zoom mtg. link, ID & PW.

New Lemuria Spiritual Center

766 Woodlands Circle, S 730766

* Unit no. will be provided when payment is received and appointment confirmed.

With clarity you can make new choices, gain insights, uncover your fears and limiting beliefs, and make a choice if you still want to hang on to them.
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